Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I missed loving him and didn't even know it....

I loved this morning.

Ross was home when everyone woke up.

We ate breakfast together as a family.

I cleaned up the mess after breakfast.

I ironed Ross' work clothes.

Luke got to say bye to Ross when he left for work.

I said to Ross before he left that I missed serving him joyfully.

On a typical day over the past almost five years of marriage, we have not had what most might call a "typical schdule". The demands of school, work, staying at home with the boys, etc...did not allow for this. When the day is done, I am often, actually ALWAYS exhaused mentally, physically, and emotionally. It is an effort to serve my husband joyfully, although it CAN be done!!

The sweet blessing of this new job, allows for some things that Ross and I enjoy having as a family...things such as time, routine, etc...

Sure, work could be closer, could pay big bucks, could be, could be, could be.....but that is the beauty of God's will and plan for our lives...it is NOT perfection in our eyes, it is answered prayer and provision, it is finding JOY in the sweet and simple blessings of Christ...like feeding your husband, cleaning up the disaster of a kitchen for the 20th time, and loving every minute of it.

I love God's choice of blessings for our home. They are perfect.


The Via Colony said...

What a GREAT reminder!! Thank you=)

andiewade said...

i second this. who would have ever thought that so much WORK would be such a BLESSING?

on a random note, angey price and i were doing tae-bo today and there was a girl on the video who reminded us so much of you! maybe you were working out today and didn't even know it :)

Shannon Bradley said...

Andie, was the girl in the video extremely uncoordinated and laughing the whole time...that would be me. My friend and I used to do an 80's work out video, and we always ALWAYS ended up the floor laughing ;) Good to hear I have been exercising though...

the broomes said...

I love this post, Shannon! Thanks for writing it! ...If only I would wake up EACH morning with this perspective!!!!